Single-Family 2015 Mid-Year
The single family segment of the market had noticeable increases in the first half of 2015. The number of transactions increased
over 35% with 106 sales. The average sale price of a single family home in the valley was approximately $1,888,000, more than a
20% increase from 2014 mid-year. Similar to the overall market, the single family segment experienced a powerful increase in total
dollar volume, up 58% when compared to this time last year. This increase can be explained by a combination of rising sale prices
and quantity of transactions, as well as a shift in the price segment in which most transactions occurred. There was only one single
family home transaction for less than $500,000 (an 80% decrease) at mid-year, while the $1 million-$2 million segment had 57%
more transactions and the over $5 million segment had 150% more transactions. The two areas with the most single family home
transactions were the Town of Jackson and the area just south of Jackson, each representing over 25% of the total quantity of single
family home transactions. The shortage of inventory in the single family segment of the market was not as pronounced as in other
segments, but at mid-year, the number of single family homes on the market was down 4% compared to last year.