Published listing description typos on MLS

Comedic Moment~ The follow are real MLS entries from around our fine country – Enjoy!

  • Big tard out back
  • Hug garage
  • Souring ceilings
  • Zoned for 2 swellings
  • Newly stained bedroom
  • Seller admits to old & bad plumbing
  • Seller got new wiring he thinks
  • House vacant, call for eazy abcess
  • Must be linder approved
Fortunately these were just a few mistakes that gave us all a chuckle at the office, however there have been more sensitive typos within the industry nationwide that have been more serious.  Be sure that if you notice a typo by your agent to let them know to avoid any confusion and to of course get your home sold as quickly as possible.

Jackson Hole boasts low percentage of distressed listings.

The numbers speak for themselves: Jackson Hole has 12% less listings on the market than it did this time last year.  According to MLS data, approximately 5.5% of the active listings are distressed (short or bank-owned).  Of the quantity in sales for Jackson Hole in 2010 (YTD), only an approximate 13% have been classified as distressed. There were no new foreclosures on the Teton County foreclosure list this past week.

Assessed value/real property taxes and how to dispute questionable assessments.

Teton County Assessed Values & Real Property Taxes:

According to a recent article in the JH Daily, the assessed value of our real estate should decline by an approximate 11% from 2009. I know many whose ‘estimated property taxes’ changed very little.  Therefore, it’s wise to please pay attention to your 2010 assessment notice that should have arrived recently on yellow paper.

Any resident may dispute their 2010 assessment by calling the Assessor at 733.4960, or paying a personal visit to their office on Willow St.

It would help the cause if you have real comparable sales (3+) to defend your position. The month of August will be when you receive your 2010 Tax Bill from the Teton County Treasurer requesting partial payment for November 2010, or full payment for the end of the calendar year.